The Descendants of Dutch Mennonites Peter and Anna Berg of the Ukraine and Kansas


This book covers the fascinating odyssey of the Dutch Mennonites and five generations of family descended from Peter Berg and his wife, Anna Pankratz. Peter was born in 1845 in Burwalde Village, Chortitza Colony, Ukraine and died in 1931 in Hillsboro, Marion County, Kansas. This book is presented in the Modified Register System and has been compiled mostly from primary source documents. It is enhanced with interesting historical background and, when possible, short biographical sketches of some of the Berg descendants. Berg family photos and maps of relevant areas enhance the text. A full name index is provided listing women under their married names as well as their maiden names.

Dale D. Webster

2003, 5½x8½, paper, index, 158 pp.

ISBN: 9780788424687
