Carroll County, Mississippi Abstracts of Wills 1834-1875, Divorces 1857-1875


Carroll County, Mississippi was formed in 1833 from Indian lands. The earliest divorce found in the Chancery Court records dates from 1857, the latest from 1875. The divorce abstracts include names of the husband and wife, reasons for divorce, and the date the divorce was granted. The wills were abstracted from Will Book A 1834-1875. The wills abstracts list the testator or testatrix and all persons mentioned in the will. Relatives are identified as wife, husband, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. Friends, slaves, witnesses, and executors are also identified. The date the will was written and the date it was probated are given in most instances. Page numbers of the original records for both divorces and wills are included.

Betty Couch Wiltshire

ISBN: 9781556130823
