This is a comprehensive history of an important Shenandoah Valley county formed in 1777 from Augusta County. This story begins with the earliest settlements in the Valley, covers the period from 1738 to 1777 when the area was all part of Augusta County, and then proceeds to recount the history of Rockingham County from its formation down through Reconstruction to the early years of the twentieth century. All the usual topics are discussed, and in addition there are chapters on the writers and singers of the County, and on health resorts, natural curiosities, boating on the Shenandoah River, and much more. There are numerous extracts from the early records of the county. Many early pioneers are mentioned in the text. There are also many lists, which include tithables in 1775, various local officials, Civil War rosters, and the earliest marriage records of the County (1778-1820). Included are dozens of illustrations showing people and places, and two fold-out maps. The author was Professor of History at the State Teachers College in Harrisonburg, an authority on the history of the Valley, and wrote numerous works on the history of Virginia and Virginians.
John W. Wayland, Ph.D.
(1912, 1990), 2009, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 582 pp.
ISBN: 9781556133251