Missouri Pioneers of Boone County


Missouri Pioneers of Boone County is a combination of the materials extracted from two journals, MISSOURI PIONEERS and the MISSOURI MISCELLANY. Boone County was formed from Howard County in 1820 and the courthouse is located in Columbia, Missouri. Due to the abundance of rivers in the area, many of the early settlers were found along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers in particular. This volume contains the Original Land Patents, Tax List 1821, Marriages from 1820 until 1849, and the names extracted from the Steward's Book of Columbia Circuit of the Methodist Church in 1853. This latter piece contains the names of the various churches on the Circuit and the Society Class members such as those of the Brick Chapel, Pullams Schoolhouse, Tarapin Neck, Mount Zion, Rotunda Schoolhouse, Millhollins and Bethlehem to name a few. The baptisms for the year are listed.

InfoTech Publications

1995, 8.5" x 11", paper, perfect bound, indexed, 88 pp.

ISBN: 9781565240636
