Garland County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches


When Garland County was created in 1873, it was named for Augustus H. Garland. Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1889, this reprint contains memoirs and biographies of Garland County pioneers. Because the information was compiled by the referenced family, it should be very accurate and detailed. A short history of the county is included, followed by the biographies.

Albert L. Barnes, one of the principal merchants and dealers in general merchandise and oil stone, whose well know establishment, the "Last Chance," is situated on the Little Rock Road, was born in Hot Springs, Ark., on April 6, 1845, and is a son of Phineas and Julia A. Barnes (nee Judd), natives of Ohio. The father came to Hot Springs about the year 1838, being among the first settlers of that place, and resided there until his death.

George BELDING, retired merchant, Hot Springs, ARK., an honored and much respected gentleman, was born in Hot Springs (now Garland) County, August 14, 1832, and is one of four children: Maria (wife of William H. GAINES), Albert (in Little Rock), Henry (in Texas, and George, born to Luduvicus and Lydia (BASSETT) BELDING, both natives of Massachusetts ... He was married in 1859 to Miss Amanda IRONS, a native of MO, who bore him 11 children .... [continues with education, occupation, vital information, etc. Most biographies include year of birth, year of death, military experience, date of marriage, bride's name, bride's death, children, etc.]

Goodspeed Publishing

(1889), 2004, paper, 57 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498398
