Lawrence County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches


Lawrence County is located in the north east section of the state. It is the second county formed on January 15, 1815 and named for Captain James Lawrence who fought in the War of 1812. This historical portion covers the time period from the beginning of the county to the time of the original publication in the mid-1880s. The biographical portions were submitted by the families themselves.

James W. Coffman, M.D., a gentleman well known throughout Northeastern Arkansas as one of its leading physicians, and a fruit grower of well deserved reputation, was born in 1847 on a farm in what is now known as McLean County, Ky. He is the son of Jacob N. and Nancy (Gish) Coffman, both natives of Pennsylvania, who removed to the State of Kentucky in 1808, when they were children. ...etc...

Goodspeed Publishing

2004, paper, 79 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498510
