Frio County, Texas Selected Cemeteries


Frio County, Texas was created in 1858 but was not organized until 1871. These selected cemeteries have dates back to that time. Included here are the Longview Cemetery at Big Foot, Frio Town, Sandhollow, San Miguel and Tehuacana.

It is said of the Tehuacana Cemetery: "Original 1.8 acre site given by James and Amanda R. Bandy. First burial was in 1875. Community acquired adjoining 3.6 acres in 1880 for a log church and a day writing and music school; added 6.2 acres in 1881 for a frame parsonage and church called Wilson Chapel and Salem Sunday School. Tehuacana Church moved to Medina County in 1900. Buried here are early pioneers, victims of the 1882-1884 smallpox epidemics; twelve Confederate Veterans, Levi Wilson, one of the three original church trustees."

J. McMinus

1985, reprint, 8.5"x11", surname index, 14 pp.

ISBN: 9780788482304
