DODD, Hiram C.F., Sr.: Was born in South Carolina, February 25, 1828 and came to Georgia with this father in 1835. His father, William Dodd, was also a native of South Carolina, a farmer, and married Miss Nancy Griswell, daughter of Jessee Griswell of the same state. Fifteen children were born to this union, in the following order: (Names Children). Nancy, the wife of William, died in George in 1838. William was married the second time to Miss Juda Rhoda, Spartanburg of South Carolina in 1840. Three children were born to this union: Thomas J., Tolivar, and Alexander.Hiram C.F. Dodd has been married three times; first in Georgia, April 18, 1851, to Miss Martha J. Stone, daughter of Chaney Stone of South Carolina. To this union was born the following children: (names children). His second marriage was to Sarah Craft of North Carolina, a widow, whose maiden name was Oate. To this marriage was born (names children). This third wife was also a widow, named Kinnedy, from Arkansas, who bore the maiden name of Betty H. McAtee and was of Scotch-Irish descent. Before coming to Texas, Mr. Dodd was engaged in many things; first, in getting railroad timber, groceries; then, farming. He came to Texas in 1857 and landed in Hunt County in November of that year. Being dissatisfied, he left there the last day of January 1858, and stopped in Red River County. Not being satisfied with the new county, he became somewhat restless and spent what means he had brought with him, and after the late war, he commenced anew.
He now had an even start, with the exception of a wife and seven children, but was determined to make a climb. He went to work, made some money, bought land and sold it at a good profit, bought again, and now owns 250 acres in Red River County. He lives at Rosalie, a small village thirteen and one half miles southwest of Clarksville, has a home and a lot in that place and is selling family groceries and attending to his farming interest. His farm is being rented out. Mr. Dodd served in the late war in the Twenty-Third Texas cavalry and was chiefly on duty in Southern Texas and Louisiana.