Howard County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches


Howard County, created in 1873, is located in the southwestern portion of the state. This material was originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in the late 1800's and this reprint contains memoirs and biographies of the early pioneers. Because the information was compiled by the referenced family, it should be very accurate and detailed. This volume also contains a brief history of the county as it developed up to the time this volume was written in the 1880s.

John T. Dillard, the subject of the present sketch, ranks among the prominent planters of Howard County. He was born in Lawrence [Laurens] County, S.C., August 6, 1842. His parents, Sims P. and Molicia Hendricks Dillard, were natives of that county and were married there. Of this union were born seven children, viz. ...etc...

Goodspeed Publishing

2004, paper, 77 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498442
