Poinsett County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches


Poinsett County, located in the northeastern portion of the state, was created 28 February 1838 and was named for Joel R. Poinsett, the U.S. Secretary of War under Martin Van Buren from 1837 until 1841. It was Poinsett that was the overseer of the removal of the native Americans from the east to the western territories. The historical portion of this material begins at the creation of the county and continues up to the time of the original publication in the mid-1880s. The family sketches were submitted by the families themselves, therefore, they are more accurate than other sources.


J. A. Jelks, M.D., was born in Halifax County, N.C., in January 1807 and, although he was reared on his father's extensive plantation in that State, he was never compelled to farm labor, owing to the numerous slaves his father always kept, they numbering about sixty the year round. His education up to the age of nineteen years was received in his native county, and he then entered upon the study of medicine, under the tutelage of that well known physician, James B. Yellowly, receiving his first course of lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, after which he entered Rutger's Medical College of New York City, from which he graduated in February, 1829. ...etc...

Goodspeed Publishing Company

2005, paper, 59 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498671
