Union County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches


Union County, Arkansas, is located in the south central portion of Arkansas, bordering Louisiana. It was created on 2 November 1829 by the Territorial Legislature and was a very large county at the time covering the present day Bradley, Calhoun and Ouachita, and part of Ashley, Drew, Dallas, Cleveland, Nevada, and Columbia Counties. This material was originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in the late 1800s and this reprint contains memoirs and biographies of the early pioneers. Because the information was compiled by the referenced family, it should be very accurate and detailed. This volume also contains a brief history of the county as it developed up to the time this volume was written in the 1880s.

Edwin L. Dews, planter, Mount Holly, Ark. It fell to the lot of Mr. Dews to grow up with a farm experience, and from the very first he has closely and energetically applied himself to the obtaining of a thorough knowledge of agriculture, which, it is almost needles to say, he has successfully acquired, as the surroundings of his place plainly indicate. He was born in Arkansas, July 28, 1843, and his parents, Hesekiah and Ann A. (Smith) Dews, natives of Virginia and Arkansas, and born in 1806 and 1826, respectively. ...etc...

Goodspeed Publishing

2004, paper, 69 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498787
