Yell County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches


Yell County, located in the western portion of central Arkansas, was created on 5 December 1840 and named for Archibald Yell, the first U. S. House Representative, Govern of Arkansas who fell at the Battle of Buena Vista during the Mexican War. This volume is a brief history of the county from the creation up to about the mid-1880s when Goodspeed compiled the materials. The biographical sketches were submitted to Goodspeed at the time by the families themselves, therefore, they would seem to be more accurate than other sources.

William T. Nolan, a blacksmith and wagon maker by trade, being attracted by the rich forests of oak and hickory, which grew in and about Yℓ County, came to Bellville in 1882 for the purpose of engaging in business. After prospecting and looking around he connected himself with Mr. May, and is now known as the senior member of the firm of Noland & May, wagon makers, cabinet makers and blacksmiths, and also owners of the extensive planing mill plant, which was added to their immense business in 1888, and is fully supplied with machinery for cutting out spokes and felloes, and making a great part of the wood work of the wagons manufactured in his shop... etc...etc.


2004, paper, 94 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498824
