This volume covers Greenup County, Kentucky death records for 1852 through 1859, 1874 through 1878, and 1904. In the majority of records, all information as indicated below is provided. Also included are slave deaths. Since the names and birthplaces of the parents of the deceased are included in the majority of instances [see examples below], this volume is a great resource for any Greenup County, Kentucky researcher. Each entry contains [** when provided]:
- Name of Deceased
- Age of Deceased**
- Sex of Deceased
- Residence of Deceased**
- Date of Death
- Date of Birth**
- Place of Death**
- Cause of Death
- County of Birth**
- Occupation of Deceased**
- Parents of Deceased**
- Marital Status of Deceased**
- Informant** [Name of Individual Reporting Death]
Frances T. Ingmire
ISBN: 9780788473999