Claims to Land in East and West Florida 1825


This publication contains Florida land claims submitted to the United States Government in 1825 for:

  1. Gratuitous Concessions: Grants made upon condition that the grantee would clear and cultivate a portion of land within three years
  2. Sales: Lands in Florida sold at auction by the Spanish Royal Treasury on November 22, 1806
  3. Cases of Compromise: Claims made on the contention that individuals had occupied lands for more than ten years and were permitted to obtain titles.

Each entree contains the full text of each claim - usually written by the claimant, his agent, or an interested third Party. In numerous cases, Plat Maps of the land in question are included.

Page after page provides military achievements, land history, Spanish royal orders, original vendees, remunerations for public services + much more. The researcher will find a wealth of genealogical information. The West Floridian historian will find it a vital tool, referring to it time and again.


I, Don Joseph Callava, knight of the military order of St. Hermenegildo, decorated with the cross of distinction of the battle of Almocid, colonel in the royal armies, and military and political governor of the province of West Florida, and c ...Do certify that in the month of August last, Don Pedro de Alba prsented to me a grant of land made to his father by the sub-delegation December 20, 1817, situated on the opposite side of the bay, requesting that he might have a copy and that the original might remain, as is customary, in evidence of the same in this public archive. But, owing to the confusion of the papers in the months of December, January, and February last, when an invasion was apprehended from the American troops, at which time the archives of the province were carried with great precipitation to Fort St. Carlos de Barrancas, it is presumable that the said original documents may have been mislaid or mixed with other papers; and although the assistant witnesses have searched for them by my order, they have not come to light amongst the archives.
In testimony whereof, I give the present certificate at his request, in order that it may serve at all times, and before any tribunal whatever, as an evidence of the unlucky accident which befell said original decree .... Pensacola, March 21, 1820 ... Signed by Joseph Callava

The claim of David McCaleb, a citizen of the United States, for himself and the heirs and legal representatives of Alexander McCullaugh, decreased, to lot No. 157, in the city of Pensacola, is founded on a deed poll from Alexander McCullaugh, deputy provost marshal, to Thomas Underwood, dated March 32, 1774, reciting that the lot was granted to James Cavanaugh, and sold to satisfy a judgment against him. (Continues with transfers of deed and basis of claim).

2001, paper, 443 pp.

ISBN: 9780788498893
