Liberty County, Georgia History and Biographies


Liberty County, located in the southeastern portion of the state on the Georgia coast, was one of the seven Georgia counties created from the original colonial parishes on February 5, 1777. The Guale Indians inhabited that area from prehistoric times, and in the eighteenth century the tribe became a part of the Muskogee or Creek Confederation. The Spanish placed a mission on St. Catherines Island in the late sixteenth century among the Guale Indians. In the early 1750s, English settlers, including a group of Congregationalists from Dorchester, South Carolina, located in the area between the Medway and Newport rivers. The biographical sketches were given by the families themselves.

Frederick Ransom Lyons, retired merchant and farmer, Johnston Station, Liberty Co., GA., was born Feb. 25, 1825, the son of Frederick and Martha (Stebbins) Lyons. His parents were natives of Massachusetts, in which state he was born, and wee of rugged old New England stock, the father living to the age of eighty-three, and the mother to be seventy-three years old. ...etc..."

2004, paper, 20 pp.

ISBN: 9780788496479
