Warren County, Tennessee Deed Book A, 1808-1818


This publication contains land transfers, deeds of gift, powers of attorney for distribution of estates, and heirs selling portions of their inheritance. Also included is information of the utmost value to researchers: The sale of land warrants received by Revolutionary War soldiers for military service.

When available, the precise location of property is provided in the Surveyor's District with Range and Section, including the bounding property owners, streams, mills, fords, and roads. Since lists of early inhabitants of Warren County are limited to the 1806 Petitions for the formation of the county and the 1812 Tax List of the county, these deeds give another "census" of pioneers living in the county between the years of 1808 and 1818.

(Original spelling errors have NOT been corrected.)
  • pg. 110/1. State of Tennessee No. 1844. In consideration of Military service performed by Mollici Simmons to the State of North Carolina, Warrant #1946, dated 1 Aug. 1785 and entered 10 Sept. 1807 by No. 524, there is granted by the said State of Tennessee to William Stroud assignee of the heirs of Mollici Simmons, a tract of land containing 40 acres, the residue of said warrant .. 2nd District joining the eastern boundary line of said district of the waters of Hickery Creek. Signed at Knoxville on 8 Jan 1810 by Willie Blount, Governor. Recorded 7 Apr. 1810.
  • pg. 332. 4 Aug. 1818. John Turner to Jonathan Dunham, both of Warren County, for $300.00 ... 70 acres originally granted to John Turner ... on the headwaters of Panther Creek. Reg. 9 Sept. 1818.
  • pg. 353/4. 2 Mar. 1813. By virtue of a suit in Circuit Court of Rutherford County in favor of Jacob Thomas against Mark Mitchell, William Mitchell, and Daniel Boatright for $132.92 debt and damages for $19.86 - 1/2 which was issued 13 Oct. 1812 in the Court of Rutherford County on the second Monday in Apr. 1813, I, William C. Smartt, Sheriff of Warren County, have sold to Thomas K. Harris the tract of 271 acres held by entry in the name of William Mitchell lying on both sides of Collins River in Warren County, the said Warrant #373 being assigned to said Mitchell by John S. Martin. Reg. 25 May 1813.

Betty Moore Majors

paper, 46 pp.

ISBN: 9780788490620
