DeKalb County, Tennessee Genealogy from Administrator's Settlement Books, 1846-1907


Directed specifically towards the genealogical researcher, this volume contains the abbreviated text of Administrator's Settlement Books for DeKalb County, Tennessee from 1846 through 1907. Each entry lists all information pertinent to research and eliminates the cumbersome text often associated with this type of publication. Void of legal terminology, it immediately captures relevant data ... the name of deceased, heirs, and relationships - information researchers want.


Page 151-152
22 Feb. 1854. Received of Jesse W. Scott, administrator of John B. Scott, deceased, our distributive shares of the proceeds of the personal estate as follows:
Phelby Ann Scott, Widow: $34.31
Manson M. Scott, $34.32
John Sandlin and wife Matilda, $34.32
James T. Claborn and wife Malinda, $34.31
Jesse W. Scott, $34.31
Matilda Sandlin, formerly Matilda Scott and Malinda Claborn, formerly Malinda Scott

Betty Moore Majors

paper, 88 pp.

ISBN: 9780788490637
