Maury County, in middle Tennessee, was created in 1807 out of Williamson County and named in honor of Major Abram P. Maury. These County Court papers give details of the day by day running of the county itself. Here are the records of land transactions, orphan and widow situations, wills, road orders and the many other items handled by the court.
Example from this volume:
21 December 1807 - "Ordered that Ephraim McLean, Jun'r, Benjamin Smith, John Robison, Samuel Coughorn, Alexander Gillespie, Samuel N. Williams, James Welsh, William McLean and Charles McLean, be appointed a Jury to lay out and mark a road the nearest and best way from Benjamin Smith on the Natchey Road to Joshua William's on Swan's Creek." Etc. etc.
WPA Records
1995, paper, 112 pp.
ISBN: 9780788490811