Rhea County, Tennessee Circuit Court Jurors, 1815-1860


This listing of the various Jurors for the Circuit Court from 1815 through 1860 was taken from the minutes of the Circuit Court. In this listing there are obvious mis-spelled names, but they are copied just as they are found to preserve the original list. Attendance was mandatory when called, and unless the Court excused a juror, he was fined up to $25.00. Jurors were paid for each day they attended, and vouchers were issued to be presented to the County Trustee for payment.

Example from this volume:

28 September 1830:
Samuel Jamison VS William Fitzgerald: 1 Joseph McCorkle; 2 Michael Kelly; 3 Robert Stockton; 4 Jeremiah Jack; 5 Heil Butram; 6 Matthias Shave; 7 John McClanahan; etc., etc.

Bettye J. Broyles

1992, paper, 57 pp.

ISBN: 9780788489297
