Blount County, Tennessee Entry Taker's Book, 1824-1826


This publication contains registered land surveys taken from 1824 through 1826 for Blount County, Tennessee. A Historical Records Project, each entry contains the name of landowner, complete description of land, date of survey, and name of surveyor.

* * WPA Workers
During the Great Depression in the early 1900s, many Americans were given a "job" by the United States Government to support their family. One such "job" was transcribing early court, family, Bible, and cemetery records as well as other local records. Original versions were typed on onion skin paper with "x" number of carbon copies. Although the State Archives owns the vast majority of 'first' or typed copy, carbons have circulated for years but are now scattered. Often the typing is not the best and is difficult to read but these valuable records still constitute one of the best sources of information for Tennessee Counties. In many cases, these are all that remain of the original as many county records have been lost. WPA records are generally full text transcription: much larger in scope than an abstraction or summary.


p. 32. State of Tennessee - Blount County
... legal talk ... by James WILEN in the Entry Takers office for the county aforesaid for 200 acres. I have surveyed 17th August 1824 for said WILEY two hundred acres of land situated in the County of Blount on little Tennessee River and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning on a stake corner with John CASTEELS original survey and running with the same South forty six East thirty chains to small hickory then with vacant land north forty east one hundred and fifty nine chains to a stake North fifteen West thirty seven chains to a stake North twenty-one and a half west forty-one chains to a stake near the Chestnut Corner of the survey originally made for Alexander KELLEY, North sixty-eight and a half west twenty-two chains to a Spanish Oak on the bank of the river South six west seven chain to a stake South sixty two and a half east four chain to a spanish oak then with his land East seventeen chain and two-tenths ... continues

WPA Records

paper, 104 pp.

ISBN: 9780788489860
