Grainger County, Tennessee Various Records, 1796-1848


The information found in this publication was derived from:

  • Guardian Bonds (1796-1835): Guardian bonds were posted by individuals wishing to become guardians of minors.
  • Orphan Records from County Court Minutes (1802-1812): The title of this section is self-explanatory.
  • Administrative Bonds (1798-1832): Administrative bonds are much like today's Promissory Notes, indebting an individual.
  • Scholastic Population (1848): This list provides the name of parent/guardian and number of children attending school in Grainger County in 1848. Scholastic Populations are wonderful sources of genealogical information.
  • Merchant Licenses: Everything from peddlars and stud horses for keep, business owners paid for their official license. Times haven't changed a bit.
  • 1830 Voter Listings: While women are not listed, this is the complete 1830 voters' roll for Grainger County.
Guardian Bonds Example:

We Bartlet Marshall, Peter Harris and Benjamin Shaw all of Grainger County and State of Tennessee are bound unto the Justices of the Court of Pleas for said county in the sum $1,500. for benefit of said Orphan committed to said Bartlet Marshall, dated 28th, ? 1803. The above bounded Bartlet Marshall guardian to Henry Moffet Webster a minor orphan. Acknowledged in open Court to be filed upon a guardian bond in the sume of $1500.00.

Orphan Records Example:
LEWIS SARTIN: Ordered by the Court that Lewis Sartin, an orphan boy now of the age of thirteen years, be bound by indenture to David Huddleston until he shall attain to the age of twenty-one years. Therefore, Major Lea, Chairman of the Court and David Huddleston execute indenture in pursuance of said order.
November 19, 1805

Administrative Bonds Example:
Know all men by these present that we James Ore, Ambrose Yancy all of Grainger County are held and firmly bound unto John Sevier, Governor, in the sum of five hundred dollars to be paid to said Governor or his successor or assignee ((etc., etc. ).

James L. Douthat

paper, 74 pp.

ISBN: 9780788488337
