Rhea County, Tennessee Deed Book F, 1831-1838


This volume of the deeds of Rhea County reflect the time period just prior to the removal of the Cherokee from eastern Tennessee. Several of the Indians had reservations on the north side of the Tennessee River in Hamilton and Rhea County. These were sold to white men and the Indians then moved south of the River only to be removed in 1838-1840 even from there.

Example from this volume:

Page 374 - Deed of Conveyance, John D. Lusk and Paulina Lusk (of Marion County) to Orville Paine, one moiety (sixth part) of land for $250. Dated 4 January 1832. Witnesses: Michael Reynolds and John (X his mark) Good. Paulina was daughter of William Paine dec'd; tract is where Orville Paine now lives adjoining heirs of Evan Evens, heirs of Wm. S. Leuty, Levi Griffith, and John Day, Sr. Certified from 1832 August Sessions of Marion County Court (Paulina examined separately), by John Kelly, Clerk (by his deputy Wm. J. Standefer); registered in Rhea County 7 November 1837.

Rhea County Historical and Genealogical Society

1995, paper, 74 pp.

ISBN: 9780788488368
