Rhea County, Tennessee Cemetery Records, Volume 3


Additions and Corrections through December 2000 for Volume 1 and Volume 2

This volume of the Rhea County Cemeteries is an up-dating of the burials since the publications of Volume 1 and 2. There are a few corrections where the dates/names/information was incorrectly reported in the first two volumes. In a very few rare cases, a second reading of the stones yielded the variation in readings. In most cases, the dates were changed due to there being a different date in other court records like death certificates, etc.

Example from this volume:

Spring City Cemetery - McCABE - Esther O. 5 Feb. 1909-11 Mar 2000 w/o Bruce m. 18 Apr 1934; d/o J.C. & Elizabeth (Sanborn) Owens.

Rhea County Historical and Genealogical Society

2001, paper, 95 pp.

ISBN: 9780788487361
