The Chattanooga Daily Rebel, Volume 1, Number 279, Sunday Morning 28 June 1863


The entire issue of this southern Civil War newspaper is transcribed with all of the details retained. There is a article of the Battle of Vicksburg and many local items given in the details. One of the interesting items is the robbery of Mr. Kirklin who was probably Elisha Kirklin who owned land in St. Elmo and on Missionary Ridge. This has been of great interest to many of the Kirklin/Kirkland family from this area. The Battle of Vicksburg is in some detail.

Example from this volume:

From Governor Harris' column - "Let the beardless boy and the hoary headed father organize for the defense of their altars, homes and all that is dear to freemen."
"Let the gallant men who have been disabled by the exposure and hardships of the camp or the casualties of bloody fields, give to these new organizations the benefit of their experience and example."
"Let every man who can wield a musket or draw a sword, who is so situated that he can not swell the ranks of our army for constant duty, organize at once for home defense and special service."

2001, paper, 55 pp.

ISBN: 9780788487408
