Grainger County, Tennessee Loose Will Book, 1793-1834


Grainger County, located in upper east Tennessee, was created on 22 April 1796, prior to Tennessee Statehood on June 1, 1796. It was named for Mary Grainger Blount, the wife of Governor William Blount and was the First Lady of the Southwest Territory which later became Tennessee. The wills in this volume cover a long period as they were not organized in the formal books of the county, but remained loose in the court house. They are arranged in alphabetical order since they were not recorded in chronological order. The records are the full recording of the will and not an abstracted version.


Will of Andrew Elder – First I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my dearly beloved wife, all and singular my lands, slaves and tenements, Stocks of every kind, with all my household furniture, bonds, notes, debts, and all money that is collected or may hereafter be collected to the said Elizabeth my lawful wife whom I constitute make and ordain the sole executrix of this my last will and Testament… no children listed – dated 28 August 1824.


Abernathy, Acuff, Adams, Aday, Aldridge, Alexander, Anderson, Archer, Arnett, Arnold, Arwine, Atkinson, Austin, Bailis, Baily, Barton, Bassett, Bean, Berry, Blackburn, Blain, Blair, Bolton, Bowen, Boyd, Braden Breaden, Broady, Brock, Brockers, Brodon, Browder, Brown, Brundage, Bull, Bullock, Bunch, Cain, Calfesh, Callison, Calvin, Campbell, Capps, Cardwell, Carmichael, Carmile, Arwile, Chamberlain, Chase, Chesny, Churchman, Clark, Clayton, Cleveland, Coats, Cockam, Cocke, Cockran, Cockrum, Coffee, Coffman, Collins, Collison, Colvin, Coons, Copeland, Corben, Cotner, Coulter, Cox, Crab, Crabb, Creasey, Creasey, Crouse, Curl, Dalten, Dalton, Daly, Davis, Deaton, Dengledine, Dennis, Dickson, Dodson, Doggett, Douglas, Drake, Duncan, Dyche, Dyer, Easley, Easterly, Eaton, Elder, Elexander, Elliot, Ellis, Epps, Erwin, Evans, Fargason, Fargasons, Fargerson, Farguson, Fears, Field, Fielding, Fields. Firestone, Foster, Free, Gallion, Ganes, Gardner, Garner, Goeffner, Gibson, Gill, Gilmore, Goforth, Gorforth, Gray, Griffith, Griffiths, Griffits, Griffitts, Grimes, Hamellton, Mailton, Hammelton, Hammer, Hammil, Hankins, Hanner, Harelson, Harmon, Harrell, Harris, Harvill, Hawkins, Hayes, Hays, Helton, Henderson, Herd, Highton, Hightower, Ill, Hinshaw, Hipshear, Hixon, Hixson, Hodge, Hodgen, Hodges, Hodgin, Holson, Holt, Horton, Howard, Howbert, Howel, Huddleston, Hudnall, Hughs, Humbard, Hume, Humphrey, Humphreys, Ivy, Jack, Jackson, James, Jarnagin, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Kannada, Karns, Kelly, Kennon, Kersey, Kindar, King, Knight, Lacey, Lafferty, Lamar, Lamb, Lane, Lathim, Lay, Lea, Lebow, Lewis, Long, McAnally, McBee, McCarrel, McCoy, McElheny, McElhinay, McElhiney, McElhiny, McEver, McGinnis, McHone, McPherson, McPhetridge, Magee, Majors, Malder, Mallicoat, Maples, Marshall, Martin, Massengill, Maxwell, Maybury, Mellon, Middleton, Midkill, Miller, Millikan, Mills, Minet, Mitchell, Moffett, Monrow, Moody, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Moyers, Murphy, Nance, Newman, Noes, Norris, Ogle, Ore, Paign, Paul, Payn, Pearson, Peck,Perkins, Perrin, Philips, Phillips, Pickrel, Pollard, Pope, Rain, Rateliff, Read, Readers, Reed, Rice, Richards, Ricket, Riggs, Right, Robertson, Rollins, Rucker, Ruckker, Sanders, Satterfield, Seal, Segler, Sharp, Shelton, Shields, Shipley, Shockley, Short, Smith, Snider, Snodgrass, Sparkman, Starnes, Stephens, Stiffy, Stokes, Suljur, Tate, Thompson, Trotman, Turner, Tuttle, Underhill, Underwood, Vittitoe, Waddle, Wadle, Walker, Walters, Warwick, Watkins, Webb, Webster, West, Westorn, Whitlock, Wickliff, William, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Wineyard, Wood, Woods, Woolf, Wyrick, Yancey, Yancy, York

WPA Records

(?), 2013, 8.5" x 11", paper, full name index, 111 pp.

ISBN: 9780788486685
