Crockett County, located in western Tennessee, was created in 1871 out of Dyer, Gibson, Madison and Haywood Counties. It was named for David Crockett [1786-1836] frontier humorist, soldier, Tennessee state legislator and United States congressman, and defender of the Alamo. The county seat of Crockett County is Alamo, situated between the south and middle forks of Forked Deer River. The south fork of Forked Deer River forms the southern boundary line and the middle fork of the Forked Deer River forms the northern boundary line. The first settlement in this area was about 1824 near the Haywood County line, south of the present town of Bell's Depot. Some of the first settlers were Francis M. Wood, Charles Wortham, William Johnson, Timothy Parker, Wyatt F. Tweedy, Wiley Dodd, William Dyer, Thomas Tweatt and William Kavanaugh. These marriage records reflect a later development in Tennessee Marriage Records in that the addition of Bondsmen were added. Here there are two per wedding for the most part. Also listed are the county court clerk and the official to the wedding in addition to the couple and the dates the license was issued and the date of the wedding. In these records are found both the white and black weddings. The latter noted as (col) in the records.
WPA Records
(?), 2014, 8.5" x 11", paper, full name index, 50 pp.
ISBN: 9780788486791