Wilson County, Texas Biographies and Southwest Texas History


Wilson County, Texas was inhabited early by various early cultures of Native Americans and by 1718, Martin de Alarcon came into the area. The Spanish were settled in the area from this early time period. In fact, the first two land grants for the area were Luis Menchaca and Andres Hernandez in 1832-1833. By 1840, Anglos began coming into the territory with the southern planters in 1850 and 1860. In 1860 Wilson was created from Bexar and Karnes Counties. In this volume, you will find a brief history of the southwest Texas area and a collection of brief biographical sketches of some of the people living there in 1890s when the original volume was written.


8.5"x11", softcover, full name index, 64 pp.

ISBN: 9780788484209
