1840 Pulaski County, Virginia and Virginians


This transcription of the 1840 census of Pulaski County, Virginia is alphabetical. Most transcribers limit their records to the first page of this census, we have included in the information found on page B of each of the pages. This is where the notes about occupations, personal data like blindness, deafness, etc is found. On this page B there is also a listing of the pensioners with name and age of those from the American Revolution and the War of 1812 and the school reports showing the number of scholars and those at public claim [paid by the county]. Much more if found in this census that any of the others up to this time. There are no names of those living in the households but they are given by sex/age groups.

James L. Douthat

8.5" x 11", paper, 13 pp.

ISBN: 9780788471445
