Bland County, located in southwestern Virginia, has hundreds of small cemeteries. This volume continues the collection of those small family plots not covered in the first volume. There are well over one hundred cemeteries and burial sites found in these pages. To track down all of these small isolated and sometimes obscure cemeteries is a real labor of love.
Sifford Cemetery - owned by an Amish family and used as a sheep pen. There are a number of field stones and indentations here with probably at least 30 graves. Just over the line in Giles County.
NEEL, Wm. 7/6/1761 - 2/11/1841 - As a soldier of the Revolution, he fought in the battles of Cowpens, Guildford [sic] and the siege of York, where he witnessed the final achievement of the independence of His country. This tribute was placed in his honor by his children.
Surnames Included in this Publication: Akers, Alderman, Alexander, Alley, Andrews, Ashworth, Atwell, Austin, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Banes, Barnett, Barskile, Baumgardner, Beagle, Beamer, Been, Bird, Bivens, Blackburn, Blankenship, Bocock, Bogle, Boone, Booth, Borroughs, Bounds, Bowles, Bowling, Boyles, Bradley, Breedlove, Brewer, Bridges, Brizendine, Brooks, Brown, Bryant, Buchanan, Buchanon, Buckland, Buckner, Burkett, Burton, Byrnes, Caldwell, Cameron, Cantrell, Carpenter, Carter, Carver, Cassell, Catron, Chandler, Charlton, Childress, Christian, Clark, Cleek, Clemons, Coake, Coburn, Cochran, Coeburn, Coleman, Colley, Compton, Conley, Connor, Cooper, Copenhaver, Corder, Corner, Cortner, Cox, Crabtree, Cregar, Creggar, Crigger, Crismond, Croy, Cruff, Crutchfield, Cullop, Cumiford, Custer, Damewood, Dangerfield, Davidson, Day, Dehart, Dennis, Desjardins, Devor, Dillman, Dillow, Dixon, Donthan, Doughton, Dudley, Duncan, Dunford, Dunn, Durham, Eagle, Edwards, Ellison, Evick, Fanning, Ferguson, Fields, Finley, Fletcher, Flick, Foglesong, Ford, Fortenberry, Fox, Freeman, French, Fry, Fulcher, Garland, Gearing, Gibson, Gleason, Gollehon, Gore, Gose, Grayson, Green, Greenawalt, Grim, Gross, Gullion, Gusler, Haga, Hager, Haislip, Hall, Hamblin, Hamm, Hampton, Hanchew, Hancock, Hanley, Hann, Hanshew, Hardin, Hare, Harless, Harman, Harmon, Havens, Hawk, Hawkins, Hawthorne, Haymore, Hayton, Heath, Helvey, Heslep, Hill, Hollins, Holston, Honaker, Hornbarger, Hounshell, Hubble, Hull, Hutchins, Hylton, Jarrett, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Justice, Keeling, Keene, Kegley, Keith, Kelly, Kidd, Kimberling, Kinder, King, Kirby, Kirk, Kitts, Kuznicki, Lamberd, Lambert, Lampert, Lawrence, Leeson, Leftwich, Leonard, Leslie, Light, Lilly, Lingenfelter, Linkous, Little, Long, Lowder, Lucas, Lundy, Mabry, Magruder, Maitland, Mann, Martin, Massie, McCready, McFadden, McFarland, McGuire, Meade, Meadows, Meeks, Morehead, Midkiff, Miller, Millirons, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morehead, Morris, Moser, Muncy, Munsey, Musick, Mustard, Myers, Neel, Nelson, Newberry, Newman, Newton, Nunn, O'bryan, Palmer, Parcell, Patton, Pauley, Paxton, Payne, Peak, Peek, Peery, Pendleton, Penley, Pennington, Perkins, Prescott, Price, Pridemore, Pruett, Pruitt, Pugh, Pulliam, Radford, Rash, Rasnick, Reed, Reeves, Richardson, Riley, Ritter, Roach, Robinett, Robinson, Rock, Rowland, Russell, Saddler, Sands, Sarver, Saunders, Scott, Seabolt, Sexton, Shewey, Showalter, Shrader, Shufflebarger, Shupe, Sifford, Simons, Slaughter, Smith, Southern, Sparks, Stanley, Starks, Starling, Steel, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stinson, Stockwell, Stowers, Suiter, Surface, Sutphin, Swim, Taber, Tabor, Tate, Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, Tiller, Tilson, Tolbert, Totten, Townley, Tracy, Trimmer, Tynes, Umbarger, Underwood, Updyke, Vanblaircom, Vest, Waddle, Wagner, Waldron, Walton, Warden, Warner, Watson, Webb, Wells, Wesendonck, Wetzel, Whalen, Wheeler, White, Whitaker, Whittaker, Wiley, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winesett, Wohlford, Wolfe, Woods, Woodyard, Wright, Write, Wynn, Wyrick, Yonce, Young.
Jo Ann Tickle Scott and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. RIchardson, Jr.
ISBN: 9780788479632