The Birth records of Giles County, Virginia are given here showing the name of the child, date of birth, race and sex with the location of that birth. In addition there is the information on the parents names, father's occupation and then the name of the person giving the information to the court. A number of things here are interesting as the location of the birth. This narrows the “county” down to a particular community. Here the birth might be in “The Irish Settlement” or in “Narrows” which are particular communities in the county. With this information, you can narrow your search using deed records, etc. Most interesting of all is the “Informant”. Normally, this is either the mother or the father, but occasionally this can be the “grandmother” or “grandfather”. With this information, you can locate a third generation. You might not know who the grandparents were in some cases and this bit of information is very helpful.
James L. Douthat
(?), 2015, 8.5" x 11", paper, indexed, 120 pp.
ISBN: 9780788471469