Fayette County, [West] Virginia Birth and Death Records, 1854-1859


Prior to 1863, all of West Virginia was part of the State of Virginia. In 1853, the Virginia Legislature required each county to begin collecting the information on births and deaths on a volunteer basis. In the case of slaves, frequently the father's name was given as the owner's name not necessarily the father. These records vary somewhat from county to county, but basically they include the parents, spouses names and some locations. The cause of death is generally given by the responder and not a doctor. Several are listed as ‘accident' then later in the information will say ‘shot'. We have included as much information as is given in the record. The information on these came from the Virginia State Archives and the version found in the West Virginia Archives does not always match these records. Names may be slightly different and other information may vary. We feel that the original found in Virginia is more accurate. West Virginia sent copies to the Virginia Hall of Records shortly after statehood to copy the records and take them back to Charleston.

2010, 8.5" x 11", paper, full name index, 90 pp.

ISBN: 9780788481291
