Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, Volume 1


On a trip here from Scotland, David Dobson searched the archives of North and South Carolina and found a mass of material proving the presence of a large number of Scots in the Carolinas before and after the Revolution. He located similar records in university libraries and historical societies, and he also found in the 1850 Federal Census more information on persons of Scottish origin.

In this work–based on a systematic extraction of data from the above sources–Mr. Dobson presents, for the first time, a comprehensive list of Scottish settlers in the Carolinas from 1680 to 1830. In general, the details provided include age, place and date of birth, and often names of parents, names of spouse and children, occupation, place of residence, and the date of emigration from Scotland. About 6,000 Scots are identified in this book, and a small number are listed in Dobson’s Scottish Settlers series, but the majority–90% or so–are listed here for the first time.

David Dobson

(1986), 2009, paper, 322 pp.

ISBN: 9780806311432
