Early New York Naturalizations


Of all the records in the public domain no single research group presents such an obstacle to the researcher as naturalization records. Unlike other public records they are not consolidated in a convenient archive, but are housed instead in a bewildering number of local and municipal repositories-courts, city archives, and record centers-where they remain the least accessible of genealogical records. This is extremely unfortunate because they are practically without equal in genealogical value. In this work, however, D. Kenneth Scott has made a magnificent start in shaping these records into accessible form, herein presenting a comprehensive body of abstracts from the sprawling mass of New York naturalization records for the period 1792 to 1840.

The naturalizations and declarations of intention abstracted in this volume-some 10,000 of them-are arranged in more or less chronological order by courts and jurisdiction. Information given in the original documents varies considerably and is so reflected in the abstracts. The earlier records usually include the name of the petitioner (the alien), his country of origin, the name of the person who recommended him, and his place of residence. The later records usually indicate for each petitioner his name, place of residence, age, place of birth, port and approximate date of arrival in America, his occupation, the names and ages of his wife and children, and various other particulars-all grist for the genealogists' mill. We are thus delighted to bring this important work under our imprint.

Kenneth Scott

(1981), 1999, paper, 452 pp.

ISBN: 9780806309408
