Abstracts of the Testamentary Proceedings of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, Volume XIV: 1716-1719; Liber 23 (pp. 44-402)


The Prerogative Court was the focal point for probate in colonial Maryland. All matters of probate went directly to the Prerogative Court, which was located in Annapolis, Maryland's colonial capital. The Prerogative Court was also the colony's court for equity cases-resolution of disputes over the settlement and distribution of an estate.

Following is a representative abstract from Volume XIV:

29 January 1717. Mr. George Forbes who married Mary Cheseldyne one of sisters of Mr. Kenelm Cheseldyne (dec'd) vs. estate of said Cheseldyne. Caveat against proving will and granting Letters of Administration to pretended widow.

Volume XIV contains abstracts of the records for the years 1716 to 1719, as found in the bulk of Liber 23. The abstracts are arranged chronologically by court session. For the most part, the transcriptions state the names of the principals (testators, heirs, witnesses, administrators, and so forth) as well as details of bequests, names of slaves, appraisers, and more. This volume refers to more than 9,000 residents.

Vernon L. Skinner, Jr.

2008, paper, 296 pp.

ISBN: 9780806353722
