Compendia: Annotations of Washington County, Virginia Cemeteries, Volume 1 (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded)


This volume contains all published surviving interments in Washington County, Virginia listed in cemeteries 1 thru 334 to c1950 from Abbott, Mollie E. to Czarnocki, Teofil. The annotations were gathered from various primary records; published works; Bible records; internet resources; family genealogies and secondary research. In using secondary research ... the standard warning applies.... verify these annotations. Headstone names appear as written without regard to conventional spelling. Those women interred under their husband's name and identified by maiden name on the headstone are listed in this record in a conventional font. If the maiden name is identified by any other source, it will appear in Italic Font in the "Maiden Name" column. An Index to maiden names is provided. Marriage dates are primarily from the WPA microfilm copy of Washington County, Virginia marriage records and may reflect the issue date of the marriage license and not the exact date of marriage. The death registers of Washington and Smyth County, Virginia contains many errors regarding birth dates, death dates and transposed names. The work is fully annotated from a variety of document sources.

Tom Colley

2010, paper, 501 pp.
