1850 Fannin County, Texas Census


Thomas A. Dagley was the census taker in Fannin Co., TX in 1850. Like most old handwritings, his differs from that of today; "j", "i", "t", "m"and "w" were almost identical. In many instances the film was dim or blurred, and spellings varied. The information given includes the name of the family, their dwelling and family number, age, sex, occupation, value of estate and their birthplace. In this transcription the dwelling and family number were the same throughout, so only the dwelling number has been used.

Maiden names of wives, if known have been added in parentheses. Any complete names of children when known has also been added. Dates of marriage, if known when died, and some brief sketches of family history has also been added. This makes the manuscript annotated instead of just a transcription.

Frances T. Ingmire

8.5"x11", surname index, perfect bound, annotated, 88 pp.

ISBN: 9780788476471
