Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1852-1859, 1904 and 1907


Mason County, Kentucy Marriage Records 1852-1859, 1904 and 1907

Frances T. Ingmire

This volume covers Mason County, Kentucky marriage records from 1852 through 1859, 1904, and 1907. Although information provided depends on Mason County requirements at time of marriage, there is a wealth of information on each couple. With over 1,100 surnames indexed, each entry contains: Date of Marriage; Name of Groom; Name of Bride; Age of Bride and Groom **; County of Birth for Bride and Groom **<; Occupation of Groom **; Birthplace of Parents **; County of Residence [Bride and Groom]; Whether 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Marriage; Officiating Authority; County Marriage Took Place

1984, paper, 119 pp.

ISBN: 9780788484773
