Marion County, Tennessee Deed Book B, 1827-1830


Marion County, Tennessee Deed Book B, 1827 - 1830.

WPA Records.

The W. P. A. workers in Marion County following the depression in 1938 transcribed the full text of the first two of the county deed books and typed them with several onion skin carbons. We obtained one of these copies and chose to leave the original as it was written to prevent any more errors than were present in the beginning. The full text of each deed is transcribed and typed into the material so the reader has a chance to see the full deed as written. This is very important in the research of the materials.

Example from this volume:

Page 264 [original book page number]
There was the Within deed of conveyance from Roswell Hall to David Rabkin [Rankin] for One undivided Morety of lot of land in the town of Jasper Acknowledged in Open Court by said Hall and ordered to be Certified for registration. Given under my hand & Private seal not having an official seal of office in Jasper this the 5th day of February 1828.    Jno. Kelly Clk.
