The material appearing in this volume has been taken from three major sources viz. "Historic Camden, South Carolina" by Kirklan and Kennedy, "The Annals of Newberry" by O'Neall and "Encyclopedia of America Genealogy, Vol. #1, North Carolina" by Hinshaw. The material appearing in the first two titles consists of considerable early records pertaining to many of the pioneer Quaker families that settled in South Carolina, many of whom intermarried with other pioneer families and were assimilated into other religious denominations, while still others left South Carolina. and moved to Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and other states. Many South Carolina families, prominent and otherwise will be surprised to find that they have Quaker roots. Because of the valuable information found in Camden and Newberry books, we have also reprinted the minutes from Hinshaw's North Carolina. volume listing marriages, deaths, births, etc. for not only Bush River, but also Cane Creek, Piney Grove and Charleston Monthly meetings in South Carolina but also that of the Wrightborough, Georgia Meeting. This consolidated title will provide a veritable storehouse of information not found elsewhere in one volume.
Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.
ISBN: 9780893084509