Obituaries from Early Tennessee Newspapers 1794-1851


Previously, these obituaries from the earliest Tennessee newspapers had been available only at the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville in their card files. These obituaries cover the entire state of Tennessee for the most part, beginning with the earliest ones in 1794 in the Knoxville Gazette. The approximately 7,000 death notices contain such information as: date and place of death, sometimes the cause of death, survivors, age at time of death, etc.... A glance at these notices show for instance: one person dying in 1807 aged 60; another dying in 1815 aged 88; another in 1832 aged 95. Thus the reader can readily see that these Obituaries will often carry a person back well into the early 1700s. Newspapers from which the obituaries have been taken: The Knoxville Gazette, The Daily Republican Banner, The Western Weekly Review (Franklin, Tennessee), The Politician and Weekly Nashville, The Nashville True Whig and Weekly Commercial Advertiser, National Banner, Impartial Review and Cumberland Repository (Nashville, Tennessee).

Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.

(1978), 2005, cloth, 432 pp.

ISBN: 9780893080938
