The Burned Deed Index of Bedford County, Tennessee 1852-1861


Here is a research aid on Bedford County that until now has never been published or even available for the researcher looking for those lost relatives in this middle Tennessee county.

This index is a true copy of a Registers notebook, kept by the Register of Deeds, immediately preceding the Civil War, in which an index of all transactions conducted in the office, were entered from 1852 to 1861 and served as an index to 9 books that were LOST in the courthouse fire of 1863.

This Burned Index may prove to be both rewarding and at times a little frustrating. Rewarding, in the information it may disclose, however small, perhaps a piece of the puzzle. Frustrating, when one speculates about the important deeds that may have been forever lost.

Helen Marsh and Timothy Marsh

1999, cloth, 438 pp.

ISBN: 9780893085261
