The Chattanooga Campaign, with especial reference to Wisconsin's participation therein


“After the battle of Gettysburg in the East, and the siege of Vicksburg in the West, attention was riveted during the later summer and autumn of 1863 on the campaign around Chattanooga… The battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, and Missionary Ridge not only decided that Kentucky and Tennessee should remain in the Union, but they opened the way for Sherman’s advance on Atlanta and his March to the Sea, which cut the Confederacy in two and made Lee’s surrender a necessity… In all these events, the citizen soldiers of Wisconsin played a conspicuous part, which is herein described by a participant and student of the famous contests. In these battles the reputations of officers were made and unmade, and from them emerged the great generals who were to carry the Union arms to complete victory—Thomas, Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant.” Chapters include: The Preliminary Campaign which covers Organization, Organization of the Confederate Army, and The Advance of the Union Army; The Chickamauga Campaign and Battle which covers the Confederate Line on September 20, The Confederate Attack upon the Union Right, and Wisconsin Troops at Chickamauga; The Occupation and Battles at Chattanooga which covers the Battle of Lookout Mountain, and Wisconsin Troops in the Battle of Missionary Ridge. The index includes places, events, and significant figures. Six maps add dimension to the text.


Michael Hendrick Fitch


(1911, 2002), 2016, 5½x8½, paper, 280 pp.

ISBN: 9780788421525
