CD: Families of America: Histories and Genealogies of the Jewett, McCray, and Moore Families


The three volumes this CD-ROM includes are: History and Genealogy of the Jewetts of America - Frederic Clarke Jewett, MD (1908). A comprehensive genealogy of the descendants of Edward Jewett, immigrant from West Riding or Yorkshire, England, c1639. Includes many biographical sketches, including author Sarah Orne Jewett. The later generations include female lines carried over several generations. The McCrays of America, 2nd Ed. - Philip Roger McCray (1993). This genealogy goes beyond dates and names. Each McCray family has its story written in narrative, and particular attention is paid to female spousal lineage. The Moore Family in America: Descendants of Shildes Moore of Wales from 1732-1891 - George L. Moore (1891). Each chapter of this book deals with a different line of descendants. This CD-ROM uses the powerful Adobe Acrobat reader (for Windows and Macintosh, provided free on the CD; the corresponding viewer for other operating systems, can be downloaded free of charge from The format preserves the look of the original page and allows the user to search the text for names of people and places. When you run a search, the hits are highlighted on each page for easy identification. This CD is best viewed with monitor resolution 800x600 or higher.

Heritage Books Archives

(1999), 2005, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, c1850 pp.

ISBN: 9780788411618
