With an Account of the Centernary Meeting, September 10th and 11th, 1873; and with the Genealogies of the Families of the Town
Although one of the three smallest towns in Connecticut, Wolcott is worthy of a book recording its history "because of the example its people have set of quiet, heroic living…and the impress it has made on the character and career of the nation by the men it has sent forth into other parts of the land." As a result a large part of this volume is occupied by biographical sketches and genealogical records of men born and raised in Wolcott. Biographies include the Rev. Messrs. Gillet and Woodward, Deacons Aaron Harrison and Isaac Bronson, Dr. Ambrose Ives, Seth Thomas, Judah Frisbie and Dr. William A. Alcott and Mr. A. Bronson Alcott. "Some of these (men) were remarkable for their intellectual ability, others for their enterprise, others for their philanthropic spirit or their piety…" This history also devotes a large portion of its pages to the history of the Congregational church and society because of the prominent position held by church and religion in the lives of the people. Also included is an account of the civil history of the town and the Centennial Meeting, plus 180 pages of genealogies. This volume is designed to "call attention…to the minutest details of old Connecticut life."
Samuel Orcutt
(1874), 2004, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 631 pp.
ISBN: 9780788426827