The Colonial Cavalier is often portrayed as a "theatrical personage," fighting duels, dancing, and living a life of luxury. In actuality, the early Colonial Cavalier lived in a fairly primitive environment, faced with the usual hardships and dangers of pioneer life. It was their descendants who prospered. "This little volume makes no pretensions to the dignity of a history. It aims only, through local gossip and homely details of life and customs, to open a side-door, through which we may, perchance, gain a sense of fireside intimacy with The Colonial Cavalier."This book is filled with more than enough details to appeal to historians. The Colonial Cavalier's home; sweethearts and wives; his dress; news, trade and travel; his friends and foes; his amusements; his man-servants and his maid-servants; his church; his education; laws, punishment and politics; and sickness and death are all examined. Beyond the wealth of historical data, it is a pleasure to read; the narrative flows like a well-written novel. Charming illustrations enhance the text. A full-name index has been added as a aid to researchers.
Maud Wilder Goodwin
(1894), 2014, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 304 pp.
ISBN: 9780788452291