Franklin County Kentucky 1810-1840 Censuses


Kentucky became the fifteenth state in the Union in June of 1792. Expansion of the county system followed and Franklin County, was created in 1794 from the counties of Woodford, Mercer, and Shelby, each of which was a young county created from the basic 1780 counties of Fayette, Lincoln, and Jefferson. Researchers working on families known to be in this area as early as the late eighteenth century might find records listing these counties as residence. Frankfort is the county seat of Franklin County and also the State Capitol of Kentucky. Frankfort also is the home of the Kentucky Historical Society. The researcher therefore has centered in Frankfort an abundance of resource materials such as maps, vital records, and published and unpublished material established in these depositories.

Rowena Lawson

Paper, 76 pp.

ISBN: 9781556130168
