Washington County Kentucky 1810-1840 Censuses


Washington County was created in 1792 from Nelson County, Kentucky. The county seat is at Springfield and records exist there dating from 1792. In 1834 Washington County population was halved by the creation of Marion County. This county was composed of the lower portion of Washington County and established the County seat at Lebanon, Kentucky. Families known to be in continuous residence in Washington County, but not found in the 1840 census, may well be listed in the 1840 census of Marion county. The following transcription were made from the microfilm records of the 1810-1840 census stored in the National Archives. Each census lists the names of the head of the households followed by statistical data showing the age categories of the various household members. The statistical data for the 1810 census consists of five columns on the left for men and five columns on the right for women followed by a column for slaves and another for free colored. The age brackets for both male and female are: under 10, 10 to 16, 16 to 26, 26 to 45, and over 45. The 1820 data is in the same arrangement, except that a column has been inserted for males aged 16 to 18. Note that males 16, 17, or 18 could be tallied twice.

Rowena Lawson

Paper, 114 pp.

ISBN: 9781556130274
