Woodford County, Kentucky 1810-1840 Censuses


Woodford County was created in 1788 from Fayette County which had been created in 1788 from Kentucky County, Virginia. The designation of Kentucky County, Virginia was made in December 1776, largely helped by Daniel Boone's explorations. Three counties were made from Kentucky County in 1780, they were, Fayette, Jefferson and Lincoln Counties. The county seat of Woodford County is Versailles and the county clerk had records from 1789. The federal censuses from 1790 and 1800 are not extant, the 1810-1840 censuses transcribed here are the earliest available for this county. The following transcription were made from the microfilm records stored in the National Archives. Effort was made to accurately decode the handwriting and preserve the original spelling despite inkblots, faded and torn pages, and dark photography. Each census lists the names of the head of the household followed by statistical data showing the age categories of the various household members. Relationship is not shown in any of these censuses.

Rowena Lawson

Paper, 77 pp.

ISBN: 9781556130717
