This book contains abstracts of wills from Essex County, Virginia Will Books 25 (1842) to 31 (1904), which cover recording dates August 15, 1842 through January 18, 1904. This group of will abstracts follows a previous publication by this author, Essex County, Virginia Will Abstracts, 1751–1842 and Estate Records Index, 1751–1799 (Revised 2021). Entries for records other than wills for both periods may be found in Essex County, Virginia Consolidated Index to Wills and Fiduciary Accounts, etc., 1692–1903.
Names of witnesses (wits.) and date of probate are included, while all marginal notes as to transactions after the date of probate, like letters of administration granted, or certificates issued, are not included. Spelling often varies within the same document and between scribes, and the spelling of some surnames evolved over time. Like any extracts from original records, every effort has been made to accurately interpret the handwriting of various scribes. Users are strongly encouraged to consult the original will, followed by the court copy of it in a bound will book, to verify the information provided.
Most original wills for Essex County, before the 1850s, are found at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, else the surviving copies are at the courthouse in Tappahannock, Virginia. For the present work the compiler used digital copies online at and microfilm copies housed at the Library of Virginia. Discrepancies or illegible items from these were reconciled with the original will. An index to full-names, places and subjects adds to the value of this work.
Wesley E. Pippenger
2023, 8½x11, paper, index, 162 pp.
ISBN: 9780788444654