Pendleton County, [West] Virginia Deedbook Records, 1788-1813


The standard information in this collection of deed record abstracts includes such things as the buyer and the seller of the land, the price paid (in pounds), the date of sale, and where to find the information in the original source. Many of the early settlers of Pendleton Co. were of German birth or ancestry, and a German dialect continued in use there into the twentieth century. The book includes two appendices. The first is a lengthy 1789 election poll from one of the original deedbooks. The second is a narrative sketch of the European ancestry and connections of the Mallo and Voltz families, early settlers in Pendleton.

Rick Toothman

(1995), 2007, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 264 pp.

ISBN: 9780788403156
